Tag Archives: ccrma


Noggin – Blue Heron

Part 1

Title: Blue Heron
Artist: Noggin
Album: Homework
Date: 2008

I had so much fun making this. First use of the 8-outs on the mpc, and really some of the most down and dirty I ever got with that machine. Roland MC-09 on the acid, some protools and UA reverb in there I believe – lots of UA compressors etc (what Up Jonathan hook it up with the box homey!!).
I have a connection with Blue Herons that I cannot explain. I first noticed this in 2008 when I confronted one waiting outside my apartment. Ever since then, I can’t help but feel like they are somehow watching my back when I least expect it. Maybe they are relatives reincarnated, or simply messengers sent from the other side. Either way, this one’s for the birds.
Download: 05 Blue Heron (right click and choose ‘save as’)