Dag-Nab-It helps me pull off maybe the best episode of Groovesday ever. Hot off the heels of Austin Psych Fest, the only inspiration we had was ‘psychedelic’. We just took that and ran with it.
What makes the show great though, as always, is the feedback loop. We had people listening all over Texas (at least) and sending love our way frequently, which just spurs us on to be better.
I hope yall enjoy this show and we sincerely thank yall for spending the time with us.
This weeks show includes hits from, but not limited to:
Fila Brazilia
The Doors
The Chemical Brothers
etc, etc…
Tag Archives: psychedelic
Tuesday 30 April 2013 – 16:39
Part 1
Part 2
Morning Groove 25 January 2013
Friday 25 January 2013 – 15:05
Part 1
Part 2
A real wake-up and continue in a daze kind of set this am. I was able to nail a request I totally fumbled on the week prior (thank you for calling).
Morning psychedelia complete with Chipmunk vocals even. I know I hit a lot of rock.
This weeks show includes hits from, but not limited to:
Flaming Lips
The Head and the Heart
Skrill Meadow
Randy Pavlock
etc, etc…