Title: Broken Fences
Artist: Trypset and Noggin
Album: Trypnog
Date: 2012
This is a track Trypset and I jammed out one February night, which I subsequently re-tracked, bounced to tape, yadda yadda yadda, named, and uploaded.
The name of this track comes from a couple inspirations:
– DJ Broken Fences is a name I always saw in San Marcos, and maybe the best DJ name I’ve ever heard (Trypset is a SM native)
– the recently mended broken fence in my back yard (yard party 2012 is on yall)
– sounds good, man
Alternate title is ‘The Ballad of Broken Fences’.
This is a mellow, trip hop, illbient, blunted style courtesy the mpc2000xl and some korg synth engine.
Recorded in Bryan, TX, Feb 2012.
Download: trypnog-broken-fences (right click and choose ‘save as’)
Category Archives: collaborations
collaborationsTrypset and Noggin – Broken Fences
Sunday 4 March 2012 – 01:20
Part 1
Trypset – Dang Dog (Noggin Interpretation)
Wednesday 29 February 2012 – 12:49
Part 1
Title: Dang Dog (Noggin Interpretation)
Artist: Trypset
Album: Ding Dong
Date: 2012
Remix of Trypset‘s track “Ding Dong”.
Lots of audio cutting / splicing / rearranging, and a healthy run through the 1/4″ reels.
Recorded in Bryan, TX, Feb 2012.
Download: Trypset – Dang Dog (Noggin Interpretation) (right click and choose ‘save as’)