Tag Archives: akai mpc 2000xl


Trypset and Noggin – Broken Fences

Part 1

Title: Broken Fences
Artist: Trypset and Noggin
Album: Trypnog
Date: 2012

This is a track Trypset and I jammed out one February night, which I subsequently re-tracked, bounced to tape, yadda yadda yadda, named, and uploaded.
The name of this track comes from a couple inspirations:
– DJ Broken Fences is a name I always saw in San Marcos, and maybe the best DJ name I’ve ever heard (Trypset is a SM native)
– the recently mended broken fence in my back yard (yard party 2012 is on yall)
– sounds good, man
Alternate title is ‘The Ballad of Broken Fences’.
This is a mellow, trip hop, illbient, blunted style courtesy the mpc2000xl and some korg synth engine.
Recorded in Bryan, TX, Feb 2012.
Download: trypnog-broken-fences (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Fall Tape Instant Jams

Noggin – Let’s Go Downstairs (demo)

Part 1

Title: Let’s Go Downstairs (demo)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Fall Tape
Date: 2011

A taste of things to come…
Anyway, I can’t believe I did it…the Trackaday project is officially ‘over’, but its not like I’m going to quit making music (I should totally rep my host, Dreamhost, without whom none of this would have been possible…absolute best web service provider out there). I thought for a little while about killing Noggin, taking real gory pictures and coming up with some elaborate tale and maybe an arch-enemy to take him out, but I didn’t want to alarm anyone who actually knows me as Noggin in my day to day life. I’ll honestly probably keep posting as regularly as I can, but I’ll save the awkward ‘Holy crap can i use yer internet in the next 15 minutes!?!’ cause I was about to forget to post stuff for another time. Not to mention, I’ve still got a backlog that just didn’t see the light yet.
Suffice it to say, I’ve got a totally new set of samples working their way to the mpc (I get a lot of mileage out of an APS file), with the exception of yer standard 808s, 909s, all samples from coming from wax.
Whipped up on the mpc one night after installing the eb16fx card. For the record (very proud of this), my MPC cannot be expanded anymore. Yes, I could add the F-Rom, but that only fits if you don’t have the eb16 card, so my mpc is maxed out as it can get.
The majority entirety of this is using samples off old disco / r&b / jazz records (Ronnie Milsap could nail some drums with his style of dx7-country). The fx card really just makes an appearance for a touch of reverb and I think eq. Don’t sleep on that non-destuctive chop in the 2kxl via velocity->sample start and 16-levels.
Download: letsgodownstairs (right click and choose ‘save as’)


Noggin – Blue Heron

Part 1

Title: Blue Heron
Artist: Noggin
Album: Homework
Date: 2008

I had so much fun making this. First use of the 8-outs on the mpc, and really some of the most down and dirty I ever got with that machine. Roland MC-09 on the acid, some protools and UA reverb in there I believe – lots of UA compressors etc (what Up Jonathan hook it up with the box homey!!).
I have a connection with Blue Herons that I cannot explain. I first noticed this in 2008 when I confronted one waiting outside my apartment. Ever since then, I can’t help but feel like they are somehow watching my back when I least expect it. Maybe they are relatives reincarnated, or simply messengers sent from the other side. Either way, this one’s for the birds.
Download: 05 Blue Heron (right click and choose ‘save as’)

96 Nog Jams collaborations remixes remixes and covers

Karl Blau – Great Eastern Shade (nogmix)

Part 1

Title: Great Eastern Shade (nogmix)
Artist: Karl Blau + Noggin
Album: 96 Nog Jams
Date: 2010

Probably the first piece I did to create backing tracks for Karl’s “96” record. I loved those crunchy drums, and took it upon myself to see if I could turn his voice into a bit of an electronic instrument via the power of digital sampling in the mpc.
I’ll never forget the first moments I was working on that vocal, Elena came over with Murphy and he just started singing along with Karl’s endless tone.
Download: Karl Blau – 05 – Great Eastern Shade (right click and choose ‘save as’)

collaborations Live Bootlegs

Bananahat – Live From Stafford 20 December 2008

Part 1

Title: Live from Stafford 20 December 2008
Artist: Bananahat
Album: Live from Bryan, TX
Date: 2008

When all three members of Bananahat happened to convene in Bryan, Texas around the Christmas of 08, good things happened. SkullF*cker had a show booked at Stafford, and along with Bryce Clayton Eiman, Bananahat was around to pull the electro-noise-house vibes out of the winter downtown air.
Technically, this was Bananahat plus, as we had two at-large members join us on stage in masks and stuff. There’s laptops, live vocals, a feedbacker modded-sp303, akai mpc, korg er-1, tuning forks, contact mics, more feedback loops, and most importantly the magic of the season and weariness of the road.
The actual performance was about 30 minutes, but the recordings got started a short ways into it. Major props to Houston for hitting that record button…I don’t know how I could ever remember much less describe Bananahat at their finest hour.
Chappy Chanukah to all yall.
Download: 01 Live at Stafford 20081220 (right click and choose ‘save as’)
Bananahat ca. 2008

Old Town Acid (demo)

Noggin – Hautjaam

Part 1

Title: Hautjaam
Artist: Noggin
Album: Old Town Acid
Date: 2010

From the Red House, somehow maybe evolved from working on a Karl Blau set?
A live favorite.
Download: noggin-hautjaam (right click and choose ‘save as’)
Here is a beautiful bunch of Bryan TX locals getting down to this very track. Thank you whomever took this picture.
identities obscured to protect the innocent and punk rok

Fall Tape

Noggin – Chillfest (rough draft)

Part 1

Title: Chillfest (rough draft)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Fall Tape
Date: 2011

Another one off the recently bounced Fall Tape. This path was formed by placing one stone at a time.
EPS sampling Logic sounds, sequenced via mpc, sequence recorded to logic, re-sequenced back to eps, tracked to logic in whole song and chunk sections (for looping), sent to cassette tape, bounced back to pc, cut up / mastered briefly mostly to raise cassette output, disseminated on the trackaday faces.
I love the interplay of different machines from different time periods because it brings up interesting techniques that might not have been explored otherwise. Ever notice a hardware samplist’s tendency to raise both notes of a interval equally? That’s the machine talking as much as the musician (this led to a lot of ‘jazzy’ hip hop and electro-lounge).
TX on the bass.
Download: 03 chillfest (rough draft) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Sober October Demos

Noggin – Meteoric (demo)

Part 1

Title: Meteoric (demo)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October demos
Date: 2010

This is another song written in 2009 very late at night in a very wet, very dark, mildly heated Anacortes upstairs room. Pretty sure I was up waiting for the meteor shower, or I had just come back from it. I think I wrote the majority of mawL on this same night.
Finally recorded last winter in the Sunnybrook garage.
Yer basic MPC-trip-tech-to-tape traversal.
Download: meteoric (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Side B

Noggin – Pictures of Clouds (an homage)

Part 1

Title: Pictures of Clouds
Artist: Noggin
Album: Side B
Date: 2009

This is an homage track to the Pictures of Clouds releases, technically by Noggin. Shortly after the POC sessions, I still had the studio set up very POC-ish and so I got to work making some new tracks. This one came out of running the mpc into the mixer with a feedback channel set to my secret weapon.
This song has even been played live a couple times, once at the very mellow, very rainy DOS proto-ambient show, and once more shortly thereafter at Ike’s in Wimberley.
Shout out to Robby Neighbor.
Download: 15 Pictures of Clouds (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Sober October Demos

Noggin – Orkas (walk there)

Part 1

Title: Orkas (Walk There)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October
Date: 2011

Call this the ‘demo’ for the final ‘Orkas’ that just about tops out the album.
This one is not too dissimilar, but was definitely recorded about a month earlier than the version which eventually made the cut, and is completely unedited (the final version was actually recorded backwards, and then sections swapped after the fact). It’s still gonna be markedly different because I tend to record things ‘live’ vs setting up sequences in advance, so they definitely will take different paths to get to the same place.
Full album available at http://soundcloud.com/djnoggin/sets/sober-october
Download: Noggin – Orkas (Walk There) (right click and choose ‘save as’)