Title: Arabesque (nogmix)
Artist: Ethan Master of the Hawaiian Ukulele
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2009
From Dwight to a Dude.
More material from the sessions with EMHU out in Palo Alto. I really like this track but never got the name for it. I can’t tell you where this extrapolation and modulation came from, but I dig and I hope you do. This is one for the headphone heads.
Download: 06 Arabesque (nogmix) (right click and choose ‘save as’)
Tag Archives: spectral
collaborations remixes remixes and covers singlesEthan Master of the Hawaiian Ukulele – Arabesque (nogmix)
Tuesday 13 December 2011 – 15:20
Part 1
Noggin – Distral
Monday 12 December 2011 – 12:12
Part 1
Title: Distral
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2011
Small glitch in the matrix, but we’re back now.
Dwight Yoakam and wobble bass. You could call it a dabble in wobble.
Download: distral20090519 (right click and choose ‘save as’)
Noggin – Where did all my days go?
Sunday 2 October 2011 – 20:07
Part 1
Title: Where did all my days go?
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2003
And wrapping an anniversary week up with a meditation. This is all Buzz, with that spectral Drink carrying a lot of the tune.
Download: Where did all my days go_-demo (right click and choose ‘save as’)