Title: KEOS Broadcast Friday 25 March 2011
Artist: DJ Noggin
Album: KEOS Broadcasts
Date: 2011
Had a good time this am. Got there early! I’m still loving this Larry Joe Taylor guy so you get to enjoy him some more. I’m doing the country show again tomorrow, so if you are into that, it’ll be up here tomorrow.
ps. NERD ALERT: I always thought these files sounded…’phasey’ (very technical term). Anyway, turns out that one of the channels (left or right) is wired up backwards, and that’s making the recordings sound ‘thin’, ‘washed out’, ‘phasey’…I was able to fix it for the second hour, and I will try to fix these from now on, until I can get the station engineers to re-wire the record output.
This weeks show includes hits from, but not limited to:
Chris Catalena
Erykah Badu
Bonnie Rait
Average White Band
etc, etc…
Download: keos20110325a (right click and choose ‘save as’)
Download: keos20110325b (right click and choose ‘save as’)