Category Archives: Live From Tiki Island

Live From Tiki Island

Noggin – Live From Tiki Island (full mix)

Part 1

Title: Live From Tiki Island (full mix)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Live From Tiki Island
Date: 2003

Filling a request here with some more full mixes (expect more).
This one comes as a birthday present / documentation / <3 letter from the summer of 2003. The inspiration from that summer had kicked in to full blown detonative status and so this grew out of a need to explode. It's also the last mix I did in the cut n' paste style via CD Architect. The title is (incorrectly) a reference to a trip to the Gulf Coast that I was trying to commemorate. The 'Live' thing is also totally a joke, as this is calm, contemplated, coolness. Includes hits from, but not limited to: Radiohead Daft Punk Phoenix Bit Meddler Bran Van 3000 etc, etc... Download: Noggin – Live from Tiki Island (full mix) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Live From Tiki Island remixes remixes and covers

Muse – Unintended (Noggin’s Wavecutter mix)

Part 1

Title: Unintended (Nog’s Wavecutter mix)
Artist: Muse / Noggin
Album: Live from Tiki Island
Date: 2003

Remix of a (at-the-time) newly discovered Muse song. I learned about Muse in Noordwijk, and really got into them. They must have been pretty big in Europe at the time, because with nobody having heard of them over here, I was kind of slammed in the face with them over there. One night, I met a nice Irish couple, and the guy kept playing this guitar riff. He told me it was Muse.
Later on that summer, I was making a mix with a few people in mind, and this served as a nice sweet moment on an otherwise jamming cd. Drums are from DJ Shadow’s second album.
More details on the mix when I post the whole thing.
Download: 11 Muse – Unintended (Noggin’s wavecutter mix) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Live From Tiki Island

Noggin – Community Radio

Part 1

Title: Community Radio
Artist: Noggin
Album: Live from Tiki Island
Release Date: 2000

Saturday track.
This track was made to be disco. Just testing out sampling and flipping said samples into french-house-disco orgydom. I showed a brief demo of this to an Italian on soulseek, and they singlehandedly inspired me to finish it… “It’s like the music I always dream of!”.
Written in 2000 in my dormroom, and reworked later to appear on Tiki Island mix.
Thanks, Tez.
Dedicated to KEOS then and now.
Download: Noggin – Community Radio (discoradio) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Live From Tiki Island Spaceship EP

Noggin – Collpasing Vortex

Part 1

Title: Collapsing Vortex
Artist: Noggin
Album: Where is our spaceship, and how did we get on this planet?
Release Date: 2001

This was the track I wrapped up 2001’s Spaceship EP with. I came up with this concept album while mindlessly stuffing envelopes at work (I think I totaled 10,000+ when I left), and when I got back to the room that evening – and for the next week or so – I worked relentlessly on getting this EP put together.
I will explain the concept of the album in the posts to come.
Vocals by Koral North aka DJ Fro, but you wouldn’t know it and I doubt he even does.
This also appears as the last track to the mix album, ‘Live From Tiki Island’.
Download: Noggin – 06 Collapsing Vortex (right click and choose ‘save as’)