Orion – Symphony

Part 1

Title: Symphony
Artist: Orion
Album: Orion
Date: 1998

What can I say, I’m a sucker for a request.
This is from a pretty fruitful collaboration with one Andy, aka Gabriel Winter. We met up via Buzz, and decided to start working together on some pretty epic buzz tunes. Gabe’s insane melodic sense and my don’t-know-what-I’m-doing programming and I think we had a pretty good thing going.
This one was our first collaboration, and we went back and forth with this one pretty crazy. I can’t remember if Gabe was in Dallas or Colorado. Working with Gabriel Winter taught me a lot and humbled me in ways I needed to be humbled. He was an outstanding musician and one of the most positive people I had ever met.
Gabe if yer out there drop me a line!
Download: orion-symphony (right click and choose ‘save as’)

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