Tag Archives: akai s20


GaGeAsSeBr – Gallium

Part 1

Title: Gallium
Artist: GaGeAsSeBr
Album: GaGeAsSeBr
Date: 2001

Finely wrapping up the GaGeAsSeBr release…
This one was kind of a slap in the face to every thing I thought I knew. I wanted to take production in a very conscious different direction, and of course keep it loop-based so I could pull it off live. The live shows never happened, as I made the GaGeAsSeBr tracks in a bout a week or a month or some other sort of ADD timeline and moved on. Big synths (as big as I could get out of Buzz at the time)…these pieces are like little love-letters to Buzz itself.
The radio will return folks – this project might be coming to a close but I aint giving up the Morning Groove.
Download: gageassebr1 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Every Early Experiment

Noggin – amenape

Part 1

Title: Amenape
Artist: Noggin
Album: Every Early Experiment
Date: 1998

Throwback tuesday.
One of the first jams to emerge from the S20 back in the day. Main synth line is totally ripped from an Orangator preset ‘Jarresound’. Anybody else use Orangator? HELL of a synth from a time when soft synths were all hell.
Download: Noggin – 08 Amenape (Early Experiment) (right click and choose ‘save as’)