Tag Archives: goa

Classic Trash singles

CNCTR – The Unmovable Man


Title: The Unmovable Man
Artist: CNCTR
Album: The Unmovable Man
Date: 1998

As much as I was into ‘techno’ or house music or whatever you want to call it, I never wanted to be restricted to making just that…so a lot of my early stuff had a pretty firm ground in trying new sounds and just trying to be creative. Eventually though, I wanted to just make 4/4 floor ‘minimal’ stuff. This is what I tried first. I used some car speakers in a box as monitors, which i thought was awesome but was really pretty pointless because I was just driving them with a line level signal…so they didnt hardly make any sound. Still, I ignorantly assumed it would make my tracks sound better. Well, it definitely got them sounding different, but the production of this track is the only instance that setup lasted.
This is Buzz of course, and I will find the artwork for it soon…it’s been a pretty busy few days/nights around here. What with taking on about 4 new projects, all completely unrelated, all at once.
Download: CNCTR-The-Unmovable-Man (right click and choose ‘save as’)