Tag Archives: red

collaborations Live Bootlegs

Bananahat – On Looking Live Score

Part 1

Title: On Looking Live Score
Artist: Bananahat
Album: Live at Terman Engineering
Date: 2008

After successful recording sessions and promises of international touring, Bananahat regrouped for their first live work. We were commissioned to provide a live score for part of a modern dance act who were doing the finale of their dance suite in the fountain at Terman Engineering building.
Boy did we piss the cops off with this one. Besides the dronetones and feedback at high volumes, we actually had permission to be making said noises, and the authorities couldn’t do much but let us go on and try to enjoy it.
We practiced a few times, felt really good about it, and then did the show in late May.
This recording is missing a few things, namely the entire first movement, all the signal that Max was making (running a couple underwater mics [read: good mics in condoms], and some pvc tube contact stuff), and of course the general atmosphere of the whole event. It worked really well. The three of us really tuned into the dancers and they really fed off of the speakers as well.
It starts out with the part where the dancers started stripping off clothing, then moves into more ambient, watery territory, and it’s awesome in headphones (god bless you Cobi), then stick around for the drone at the end. We had it timed with the fountains and everything. A+ drone fool.
Big thanks to Cobi for organising this, and to both her and Max for being in this thing with me.
Really appreciate all the comments, as always.
Video and photos here: Bananahat Live at Terman Engineering with Red Rover Dance Troupe
Download: bananahat-redrover080528 (right click and choose ‘save as’)