And The Bass Kicks The Drum – Forget All The Memories (Compulsion mix)

Part 1

Title: Forget All The Memories (Compulsion mix)
Artist: And the Bass Kicks the Drum
Album: And the Bass Kicks the Remix
Date: 2011

Finally, the heart of where all this madness stemmed from*. This is the first remix we decided to do to tape, which is basically me blindly flying through Jon’s live set up of ATBKTD. Jammed it out while recording, loved it, then found out we weren’t recording…we never engaged the knob to ‘record’…we only made it halfway to ‘play’. And since I had just magnetically erased the tracks (gnarly!), we didn’t hear anything (I guess we weren’t monitoring the tape either).
So yada yada you’ve already heard all this, we just quickly rewound the tape and went straight back to work.
Thanks again to my ATBKTD cats.
Download: atbktd-remix1(compulsion) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

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