Tag Archives: johnny picassos

Live at Johnny Picasso's

Noggin – Brinesta (live version)

Part 1

Title: Brinesta (live version)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Live at Johnny Picasso’s
Date: 2010

Live version of the first track I ever wrote for Nintendo via midiNES. I have to give huge major props to Kyle in Anacortes for recording this show. This is literally the first time I had ever played the Nintendo outside of my basement, only about a day or two after finally modifying the NES for 1/4″ output. The mixer at open mic at Johnny Picasso’s (great times!) luckily had some reverb built in so we get a bit of the cave effect.
Second half is an homage to Smile Transylvania / Super Metroid / Jeremy / Bill / Freddy because those guys turned me on to that riff, and I always love watching them play their version and their subsequent songs inspired by said riff.
Download: Noggin – 03 – Brinesta (Live Version) (right click and choose ‘save as’)
edit: live version of this track.