This is my last solo Groovesday for a while. We keep it all over the place just trying to push every button I can before I step out that door down that old dusty. The AC is broken in the station so this is literally the sweatiest show I’ve ever done as well – wonder if that comes through to yall?
Gets rolling on the jungle tip then cruises into familiar four to floor and finally all-bets-off territory. Even hit that requested Euro flavor.
This weeks show includes hits from, but not limited to:
Adnan Marquez-Borbon
Sun Ra
Dawn Penn / Bounty Hunter
Sak Noel
Caustic Window
etc, etc…
Tag Archives: drum n bass
groovesdayGroovesday 05 June 2013 – About That Time
Groovesday 02 April 2013
Really had a good time on this show using the station equipment. That means a couple rack cd-players and the volume-only mixing board. It makes for a different style of mixing which I must say is growing on me. More of the let the songs play out and mix themselves vs. sculpting the mix with eq.
The first half hits a lot of drum n bass / jungle styles, the second half goes more electro / four to floor / house type ish.
I want to give a big shout to those who caught me on the internet streaming – really appreciate all the love.
This weeks show includes hits from, but not limited to:
Ed Rush and Optical
Dwayne Sodahberk
Freaky Flow and DJ PJ
DJ Z-Trip and DJ P
Ricci Rucker
etc, etc…
Noggin – shadykill
Title: shadykill
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2002
Fast paced jungle + some drum n bass originally intended to be set to an acapella of Eminem. That’s one of my favorite tracks off that album. This one is entirely buzz tracker junglism.
Borderline drill-n-bass but not enough rolls, I suppose.
(originally killyouseq.bmx)
Download: shadykill (right click and choose ‘save as’)
Jon + Noggin – Demanding
Title: Demanding
Artist: Jon + Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2011
One night Jon came over and we had a hell of a recording session, just hitting the reels real freeform style, just putting hot pokers to the tape heads. Then we realised we has only hit ‘play’ and not record. First time I tried out the demagnetiser to really see how it cleaned up tapes, so the tape that was playing was blank, and we never noticed.
Luckily, we just sat down and got to work and hammered out a bunch of the tracks right away.
This is a pretty collaborative drum n bass effort here coming straight off Jon’s mpc.
Download: demanding20110605 (right click and choose ‘save as’)
GaGeAsSeBr – Krypton
Title: Krypton
Artist: GaGeAsSeBr
Album: GaGeAsSeBr
Date: 2001
Here’s another bit of a concept album I did right out of high school, if not mostly while still in high school. When I was in middle school, I thought the periodic table was mostly good for finding hidden words amongst the abbreviations. GaGeAsSeBr (Gah-Gee-Ass-Ee-Bur) is about the best you can do though. David and I laughed about this for a good year… we had a knack for talking nonsense.
Anyway once I started making music, I guess this was the first ‘concept album’ I wanted to do. The idea was to be completely off the wall, and also VERY sampler friendly. My sampler at the time was an Akai S-20, with a good amount of memory (17mb), but a horrible storage method (floppies…many of my tracks were spread across 3 to 4 floppies and loading time was absolutely atrocious). So this project grew out of me wanting to make somewhat daft, somewhat jamming loops, and be able to create entire improvised tracks around these loops (no more than 16, either).
Looking back, this is one of the first occurrences of restrictions pushing my creativity…it’s sometimes good to have limits to your ability, or deadlines, or other restrictions because it makes you work more with the goal in mind, and not so much the process. I recall that once I started tracking these things out, they just started flowing and I think I did the first three in the first day.
So, here’s the first installment of the GaGeAsSeBr posts which I’m going to do backwards so it shows up in correct order when you later come look at the EP page.
This first one, ‘Krypton’, you’ll notice isn’t even in the GaGeAsSeBr paradigm…that’s because I also had a penchant for secret tracks. This is the secret track. And pay attention, I totally ripped myself off later by pulling the best part of this track out and using it with Rik in the previous, ‘Robofish / Guitar’.
Download: gageassebr6 (right click and choose ‘save as’)