Tag Archives: 2009

4 covers remixes and covers Sober October Demos

Noggin / Plug – Nonchalant Love (guitar version)

Part 1

Title: Nonchalant Love (guitar version)
Artist: Plug / Noggin
Album: Sober October Demos
Date: 2009

Not really sure if you’d call this a remix or an original…the original idea was definitely to remix/remake/cover some random ass track from Mark’s friends in England. All we had was a 7″ record with 4 tracks on it to go from. Max and I got commissioned to do this track. I originally laid down all the basics, melody, beats, etc, hoping that he would just be able to drone/jam out over it if I left it open enough (a pretty winning formula for us, really). Well Max kind of went MIA for a time and so this pretty much stayed in the studio. Until the one time we were supposed to actually perform it, at which point we proceeded to annihilate (read, literally blow the tweeters out of) the speaker system with the absolute first noise we made…we were into feedback and high frequency stuff at the time. I’ve never heard of a blown tweeter before, but kids, it can be done with enough feedback and amplifiers.
The point it, this track never really manifested itself as a Plug ‘remix’ or ‘cover’, and instead gestated in the sampler up until my autumn excursions into garage-tapedom. It has since spawned 2 other mildly related tracks, mainly sharing elements of the drums.
Download: nonchalant-guit (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – ESQ1 Preset Jam

Part 1

Title: ESQ1 Preset Jam
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Release Date: 2009

Much like yesterday, this one is in honor of another Ensoniq keyboard. The ESQ1 and the EPS look like brothers. Both coming to us from the future of 1986, they both were considered ‘workstations’, in that they offered sound design and a very similar, multi-track sequencer to arrange all this sound. They differ however, in their sound generation scheme. While the EPS was a sampler (which basically turned into a badass synth once you got the samples in it), the ESQ1 was straight up, a very tweakable synth. I have to respect this piece because, even though it’s not covered with knobs, as is the fad these days, no parameter is more than one button press away.
Anyway, it’s about the best synth you can get, and once I got mine, this Sonic The Hedgehog-ish jam came out instantly. That minimoog patch just BEGS for wheel modulation, and by god, I give it up.
All sounds in this are ESQ1 presets, with the exception of the bass, which I had to program to check the bass on this beast…which I had mistakenly been told was not very good.
This one goes out to Jason R, who I’d like to thank for the kind message regarding this site, but I haven’t called back because I’m just too out of it still.
The response to this work has been really great, and I want to thank ALL of you for all your kind words. If I could make one request, tell me in a comment! Immortalise your words and fill google with trash, LETS DO THIS.
Download: esq1presets (right click and choose ‘save as’)

4 covers Pizza Party Demos

Pizza Party – You Keep the Beats

Part 1

Title: You Keep the Beats (Plug Cover)
Artist: Pizza Party
Album: 4 covers
Release Date: 2009

More Anacortes Red House tomfoolery. This one features a stunning vocal track from the super-player that Robby, one part of the amorphous Pizza Party collective.
Our good ‘mate’ Mark, a right English ‘bloke’, commissioned these pieces with unfulfilled promises of pizza and soda bread (ok that was fulfilled). We were happy to do it. This is one cover of 4 songs off an ep by an English group called Plug…not to be confused with another English artist called Plug (who has actually been a great inspiration to me).
You keep the beats, I’ll keep the money.
Hip Hop nu-skool baby.
Download: Pizza Party – You Keep the Beats (Plug Cover) (right click and choose ‘save as’)