Tag Archives: sober october

Sober October

Noggin – Orkas

Part 1

Title: Orkas
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October
Date: 2011

Here is the longest track from the album at ~12 minutes. It’s a 2 part piece that I wrote pretty much entirely on Orcas Island in the North-West islands of Washington State.
While there, I came across a tiny, cheap casio keyboard in the closet where we were staying. The keyboard barely worked – it was stuck on one preset that was like a hybrid organ / piano / vox thing, and then drums. If you hadn’t noticed, I love working with restrictions so I fired up the sampler and pulled about the 4 or 5 sounds this thing could make, and set to working digitally dicing them with the rudimentary functions of the mpc to create entire instrument sets.
From those sets of sounds, these two, very related tracks sprang forth. Again with the further refinement and couple of garage sessions, and the finished piece was put to tape. Every sound from that crappy old broken keyboard found in a closet. Work with what you got.
MPC straight to 1/4″ reels via Mackie mixer and LXP-1 on send.
Full album available at http://soundcloud.com/djnoggin/sets/sober-october
Download: Noggin – 09 – Orkas (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Sober October

Noggin – Do You?

Part 1

Title: Do You?
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October
Date: 2011

This track was, for the most part, created in a very short time frame art project / experiment / live experience / promotion done at The Business in Anacortes.
For this project, I came into The Business (a record store) early in the afternoon armed with nothing but a turntable and an empty sampler. The idea was to create an entire set of songs from nothing but the vinyl available in the record store, on the same day as the show (thanks Nick for helping me live out a dream). I grabbed anything that looked interesting … some BTO, some aerobics training, some Burl Ives (a necessary Anacortes original), some proto-industrial, and most notably for this composition, some Olivia Newton-John.
The first couple hours were spent sampling and chopping, with a couple hiccups due to poorly planned memory usage – resampling in an mPC2kxl takes an excruciatingly long time…I’m talking 20 minutes to resample a 30 second sample. I learned this the hard way on this day when I had nothing but short time to work with.
This piece definitely came together the easiest, and continued to be refined throughout the next few months, culminating in a couple recording sessions in the garage to tape (see Reverb City). I’ve chosen this markedly dissimilar track to close the album out on a high note.
I will continue to post the album in reverse order.
Thank you.
MPC straight to 1/4″ reels via Mackie mixer and LXP-1 on send.
Chuck originally called this one “Love is the opening door”.
Full album available at http://soundcloud.com/djnoggin/sets/sober-october
Download: Noggin – 10 – Do You (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Sober October Demos

Noggin – Non-Chalant (restrained version)

Part 1

Title: Non-Chalant (restrained version)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October Demos
Date: 2010

From the depths of the Sunnybrook garage…..more remix/reshuffling of tracks originally conceived in Anacortes in 2009.
These tracks all share such weird parts, and stray so differently from them, that I find it damn near impossible to split them up in my head. So this one gets called the restrained version cause it kind of dances around you while you’re tied to a chair.
MPC + LXP1 straight to 1/4″ reels.
Download: tape1105f (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Sober October Demos

Noggin – That Old Orange Guitar (demo)

Part 1

Title: That Old Orange Guitar
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October (demo)
Date: 2010

This a track I produced using nothing but a recently (and very diy) rigged-up-with-a-pickup parlor guitar (thanks Chuck). This is actually the first guitar I ever had, and I have since come to like it’s particular sound, so I decided to put to use a piezo I had lying around. Thanks Tom for helping out in the shed as we rigged this thing up. There might be some grounding issues and I might have to sometimes run a bare wire from the sleeve of the plug to the metal part of the guitar, but it works.
Anyway, here’s one to think on on this reflective day.
Download: orange (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Sober October Demos

Noggin – maWL (demo)

Part 1

Title: maWL
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October Demos
Date: 2010

This grew out of a live set I did one winter at the Stafford. I wasn’t really recording anything concrete with this, and the tape cut out at soon as I started to hit my stride.
MPC to tape.
Download: noggin-mawl (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Reverb City Sober October Demos

Noggin – Afternoon (With My Sweettea) (aka dverb)

Part 1

Title: Afternoon (With My Sweettea) (aka dverb)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Reverb City
Release Date: 2010

This one came out of the Sunnybrook garage during the Sober October sessions. I had just picked up a Lexicon LXP-1 reverb for almost nothing in Galveston, and this was the first bit of signal I sent through it (I’m noticing a trend in my work lately where I try to/accidentally commit to tape ‘firsts’). Is somewhat of a remix of a nylon-guitar based tune you will hear from later.
Thanks Chuck for the much better title.
Download: noggin-afternoonsweete (right click and choose ‘save as’)