Tag Archives: 2001

As Yet Unknown singles

Noggin – The 909 is a Friend of Mine

Part 1

Title: The 909 is a Friend of Mine
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2001

One of my most beloved creations…a true love song to the most badass, speaker destroying, analog/digital hybrid 1980s drum machine house master in your face (did I say drum machine) that has ever existed…the Roland TR-909.
Sure the 808 is trendy as all hell right now (your welcome America, the Dirty Third had plenty of those samples to go around), the 909 is the cream of crop, to me.
While the 808 is purely analog, kind of spaceship sounding, the 909 refined this sound, turned it up, compressed it, kept it analog, and brought in some digital crispness to just completely rip through a mix and/or your mids.
Seriously, my DJ mentor Edgar, in telling a tidbit from his incredible dj-lore, once explained to me that Carl Cox brought a 909 with him to a gig they threw, and literally, blew out all the mid range speakers in the venue.
Now, I’ve heard of subs blowing (I’ve blown my own), I never would have believed it (til I did it), but I’ve seen tweeters blown, but to blow the MIDS?! The snare drum on this piece is a straight killer.
Anyway, early on in my love affair with this device, I got hold of a vocoder plugin for Buzz, and just put down to bits what I was feeling inside.
The sounds this box makes never cease to floor me.

PS. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A REAL LIVE 909. If you would like to send a TR-909 to me, hit that contact button up above and you will have made a lifelong friend – I’ll even take you out for beer to make it a little more awesome.

pps. YES I did my radio show today, but I can’t let 909 pass unacknowledged, so I will upload the radio show, as usual, only tomorrow, instead of today.

Happy 09/09.
Download: The 909 is a Friend of Mine (right click and choose ‘save as’)tr-909 image

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – Picky


Title: Picky
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2001

Guitar based lo-fi trip hop here recorded in my room in Bryan, while home from the first year of school at SWT. I really wanted to try to integrate the guitar in a way that went beyond short loops or just wailing over some pre-recorded tracks. I also wanted to keep it simple, and dirty.
Mission accomplished?
Recorded into Nuendo and all looped up there, which is 100% unlike anything in Buzz.
Download: picky (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – Cup Feet / Chamber


Title: Cup Feet / Chamber
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2001

This has got to be one of my favorite pieces to have ever produced.
It’s all based around a sample from a Bulgarian choir, + other samples pulled from various sources of music. I really had to step out of my comfort zone to make the drums this punchy…I was more chasing this smeared drum sound back then.
This is once again all buzz.
Download: Cup Feet / Chamber (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – Laurie


Title: Laurie
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2001

Running full speed ahead with some presets from the then-just-released FM7. I had no idea how to use this thing, but thought this sounded great.
The file either corrupted or I just sort of, moved on, but this never really got too much further. I actually think I pushed out a good 3 minute track from this, but cannot locate it.
Great sound for an fm synth…makes me wonder if I could get the tx81z to sound like this?!
This is all buzz with FM7 running in a vst loader.
Download: laurie (right click and choose ‘save as’)


Jon and Noggin – Saiko Jam

Part 1

Title: Saiko Jam
Artist: Jon and Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2001

This one is dedicated to author of the software which created it – Arguelles. Amazingly talented programmer who left an incredible output of work in his too-short life.
Saiko was a small (~300k) windows program that had a couple of synthesizers, some samplers, some filters, etc, and somewhat algorithmically generated psy-trance. The great part though, is aside from the basic seeds, you still have a lot of control over the output – and loading your own samples is really easy.
Jon was over and this is where we went when I was showing him this awesome non-buzz software from one of our favorite buzz developers.
Download: Jon and Noggin – Saiko crap (right click and choose ‘save as’)

collaborations remixes remixes and covers

Ilya – Formation (Noggin’s Logic mix)

Part 1

Title: Formation (Noggin’s Logic mix)
Artist: Ilya (Dred)
Album: Formation Single
Date: 2001

This is a remix I did for my friend Ilya’s track off one of his concept albums. Was this July? I have since found this track called different things on different works. There are 4 mixes of this song out there…this one is my contribution.
Massive breakbeat workout in buzz. The beats I believe I actually made in some other program, then imported as loops into buzz for further sample manipulation. Further evidence that breaking the workflow even one bit can yield much more interesting results. Sum is greater than the parts, knowwhatimean?
Download: Ilya – 03 Formation (Noggin’s Logic Mix) (right click and choose ‘save as’)


Noggin – granulesmix

Part 1

Title: granulesmix
Artist: Noggin
Album: wreckage
Date: 2003

More granular madness going on in here, though I can’t point exactly where…it’s all over.
Deep, pad + bass filled, 4 to the floor house….because that’s probably my favorite paradigm in electronic music.
I have this one labelled as 2003 but I seem to recall working on this in my first dorm room which would mean it’s actually from 2000-2001.
All made in Buzz. Charlie on the answering-machine/apollo-mission vocals.
Please enjoy.
Download: Noggin – Granulesmix (Wreckage) (right click and choose ‘save as’)


GaGeAsSeBr – Germanium

Part 1

Title: Germanium
Artist: GaGeAsSeBr
Album: GaGeAsSeBr
Date: 2001

Track 2 from the GaGeAsSeBr suite. Loop based epic buzzing for your sittin’-around-on-a-monday pleasure.
Download: gageassebr2 (right click and choose ‘save as’)


GaGeAsSeBr – Arsenic

Part 1

Title: Arsenic
Artist: GaGeAsSeBr
Album: GaGeAsSeBr
Date: 2001

Track 3 off the GaGeAsSeBr suite is a bit more focused techno than the other sort of noodling loop fests. We’re still going for the loop-based production style, but you’ll find 4 to the floor drums and some soaring, some acidic synths in here.
This one needs what their calling these days

a drop.

It’s got some psuedo-drops for sure. Bass drum on my subwoofer is kicking me hard right now.
Download: gageassebr3 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – toast test

Part 1

Title: toaster test
Artist: Noggin
Album: Buzz Exports
Date: 2000

We interrupt our regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you something completely different (I’m in Vegas, be back to the station next week).
One of my first forays into building my own electronics was a project called the Midi Toaster. This allowed one to rig up 4 pots and 4 buttons to the joystick port of a computer, and then convert the signals sent into midi data. I wrote this ‘song’ as a way to test out what real time control was all about.
This was the first time I had ever used something like a synth with realtime control. I peed my pants. I never looked back. I tweaked.
Name inspired by Orbital b-side “Analogue Test ’90”.
Download: toaster-test (right click and choose ‘save as’)