Tag Archives: sampler


Noggin – Hole in your soul

Part 1

Title: Hole in your soul
Artist: Noggin
Album: unrequieted
Date: 1998

Aaaah….nice sunday track here. This is one of my first forays into straight up loop sampling. God bless the akai s-20. I had to fill some nasty old tape on a reel I was trying to finish off, so I busted out my old trusty and tried to immortalise these tracks which would otherwise would be stuck in the late 90’s Bryan Texas garage rock scene.
A lot of samples from this time period (high school) I’ve noticed come from the tv. The lead vocal in this is definitely from some celebrity game show like 20,000 pyramid or something. Others from random infomercials. Strings from a bargain bin classical cd I got at circuit city to think my 15 year old ass was cultured or something.
Who is going to spot the oasis sample?
Download: holesoul20110530 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Sober October Demos

Noggin – That Old Orange Guitar (demo)

Part 1

Title: That Old Orange Guitar
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October (demo)
Date: 2010

This a track I produced using nothing but a recently (and very diy) rigged-up-with-a-pickup parlor guitar (thanks Chuck). This is actually the first guitar I ever had, and I have since come to like it’s particular sound, so I decided to put to use a piezo I had lying around. Thanks Tom for helping out in the shed as we rigged this thing up. There might be some grounding issues and I might have to sometimes run a bare wire from the sleeve of the plug to the metal part of the guitar, but it works.
Anyway, here’s one to think on on this reflective day.
Download: orange (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Dirty Tape demos

RedHouseGreenHouse – Untitled 15

Artist: RedHouseGreenHouse
Title: Untitled 15
Album: Dirty Tape Demos
Date: 2010
Part 1

Title: Untitled 15
Artist: RedHouseGreenHouse
Album: Dirty Tape Demos
Date: 2010

More EPS noodlings from the Red House studio. This one features a break from a Violent Femmes record I picked up for like 25 cents from the Red Door. Jealousy ensued over that record but whatever it’s ok, and it def had this one great break on it. Dig how the sample interpolation just destroys the sound.
Download: Noggin Etc – 15 – Track15 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Every Early Experiment

Noggin – Havana (version 1)

Part 1

Title: Havana (version 1)
Artist: CNCTR aka Noggin
Album: Every Early Experiment
Date: 1997

Along the same lines as the GaGeAsSeBr things, my live sets had to consist of looped phrases that I played back on the fly….this is pre-tempo sync too folks to it’s all flowing straight from the fingers (I actually prefer this). Anyway this is a banger I threw together for no other purpose than to have pure dirt coming out the speakers when I played live.
Named Havana cause somehow I was really into Cuban cigars when I was in high school.
This is pretty much all S-20 played live with loops from different things, namely TS-404 which was a pretty great pre-vst softsynth groovebox thing.
Download: Noggin – 04 Havana1 (Early Experiment) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

keos Live Bootlegs

Noggin – My Best Friend’s a Felon (Live at KEOS in the year 2000)

Part 1

Title: My Best Friend’s a Felon (Live at KEOS 2000)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Live at KEOS 2000
Date: 2000

Request Thursday in full effect (if you’ve never made a request before GET AT ME! You don’t have to know what you want, just give me an idea let’s freestyle together!).
When I moved to San Marcos in 2000 I left a radio show I had been doing for 2 or 3 years to my cohost DJ Fro and his new cohost Big Dookie (no that’s not what he called himself then but it is what we call him now). Wanting to play live again, and also visit the show I had so lovingly nurtured, we set up this in studio performance one Wednesday night during thanksgiving or christmas or something while were all back in town.
In the studio we had Fro, Dred, PolyPatrick, JoMoNo, Big Dookie, myself, and I know Mike was there finishing up most of the time. We had a great time just trying to get the sampler all hooked into the board and also synced with my backing cd of hihats…don’t hate yall I was working with very limited technology and 16 total samples was just not enough to play this track so I had to put them on a cd and then play drums, keys, strings, and samples over that. So yea, this is for the most part live. Yes there is a blatant Underworld sample I figured I’d do something I couldn’t legally do on record live.
Huge thanks to Fro for engineering this whole thing, and it’s funny because this definitely is an early instance of almost every conversation I have with a sound guy these days.
Download: Noggin – My Best Friend’s a Felon (live KEOS) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Sober October Demos

Noggin – Orkas (Invitation)(vers 1)

Part 1

Title: Orkas (Invitation)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October demos
Date: 2010

Yall are gonna get more of this one. This is what I call the ‘Invitation’ to the larger piece, which currently sits at around 20 minutes long.
I wrote these songs on Orcas Island during a visit there. The house we stayed in had a pretty generic, busted ass Casio keyboard, and, having brought my sampler, I figured this would be a good opportunity to use what I got, and make some beats/sounds using nothing but the broken keyboard I had in hand. I call it broken because I could only manage to get one sound out of it. Well, a few run ins with the sampler program editor, and this one sound turned into my entire palette for the bulk of this music.
More details as these songs find their way this way.
This is MPC fed through LXP1.
Download: Orkas (Invitation) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown Instant Jams

Noggin – Furnace Jam 2 (funkymusruf)

Part 1

Title: Furnace Jam 2 (funkymusruf)
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Release Date: 2011

Hot off the press! Check the timestamp!
I mean, I am bouncing the track down right now. This thing needs serious editing, there are parts where I have to just stop for a second and gather my thoughts to figure out where the hell everything is…this track is, in it’s entire life span from vinyl->mixdown, maybe 3 hours old.
This is some jam I wanted to do tonight to get that Saturday vibe going, and get some more work in with the EPS. Some vinyl sampling from the Classic Funky Music records, some 909, some 3630, and a dash of incroyable…here’s my french jam in respects to the ‘french comedian’ that guy from good burger does on SNL…he is a lot funnier now ZUT ALORS!!!!
Download: noggin-furnacejam2 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Dirty Tape demos

RedHouseGreenHouse – Untitled 11

Part 1

Title: Untitled 11
Artist: RedHouseGreenHouse
Album: Dirty Tape Demos
Release Date: 2010

In honor of the newly resurrected Ensoniq EPS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM2o0W5Y0pI), here is more dirty tape from the Red House. This one features Karl Blau doing dubstep.
The cool thing about the EPS, is that the LFOs are key dependent…you can hit a key, get the LFO going, then alter the LFO, hit another key, and as long as you hold down both notes, you can hear both LFOs going independently. I don’t know another synth/sampler that does that. So anyway, this was a two man, 10 finger collaboration.
Download: RedHouseGreenHouse – Untitled 11 (right click and choose ‘save as’)


Noggin – Analysis (quasi-live)

Part 1

Title: Analysis (Quasi-live)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Phase
Release Date: 1999

Made this one when I was about 16 just so I could have some jams to play live. I created it by making some loops in Buzz, recording some guitar into Cool Edit, and then exporting all those loops to my Akai S-20 sampler for live manipulation. Provided for a pretty dynamic performance since there was no set sequence, and I was experimenting with more one-shots vs loops. I really enjoyed playing this one because I could wail out on the guitar solo…picking up the sampler and changing the playback direction+stuttering of the loop in realtime. I don’t do that in the recorded version….had to give em something to hold out for for the live show. This was recorded live from the sampler, but not live in front of people. The crowd in this recording is totally fake.
Includes hidden track ‘sN_8’ from the end of the album, ‘Phase’.
Download: Noggin – 11 analysis (quasi-live) (right click and choose ‘save as’)