Tag Archives: sampler

Pictures of Clouds

Pictures of Clouds – Untitled track 08

Part 1

Title: Untitled track 08
Artist: Pictures Of Clouds
Album: Pictures Of Clouds
Date: 2010

Let’s just go ahead and wrap this up.
Here is one more track from the POC sessions that I kind of recorded on a whim while trying out an auto-tune feeding back on itself.
I’m hesitant to attach this one to the POC releases, but it definitely came from those sessions. Consider it a super secret track that you might find branded as POC, Noggin, or whatever else.
A favorite. (and a throwback to tuesdays post ;]).
Download: 08 – Pictures Of Clouds – Tapedeck08 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Every Early Experiment

Noggin – amenape

Part 1

Title: Amenape
Artist: Noggin
Album: Every Early Experiment
Date: 1998

Throwback tuesday.
One of the first jams to emerge from the S20 back in the day. Main synth line is totally ripped from an Orangator preset ‘Jarresound’. Anybody else use Orangator? HELL of a synth from a time when soft synths were all hell.
Download: Noggin – 08 Amenape (Early Experiment) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

TreeVerb demos

Noggin – bleepbeat2

Part 1

Title: bleepbeat2
Artist: Noggin
Album: Treeverb demos
Date: 2008

A more pop take on last weeks drunkard of a beat.
Made for the same project, at about the same time, with about the same equipment. ER-1 still bleeping away, but now some softsynth epiano and the 808 has gone -> 909 / sampled drum machine.
Download: Noggin – 02 – Bleepbeat2 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Every Early Experiment

Noggin – Au Cafe

Part 1

Title: Au Cafe
Artist: Noggin
Album: Every Early Experiment
Date: 1997

This is one of my earliest attempts at deep house. Samples ripped from all sorts of various sources, most notably a French Canadian girl I found on irc to lend her vocals (where you at “Lady”?).
I always really liked this song, and it was kind of hard to pull off live, as half the keyboard was devoted to loops and the other half was me playing the string section live. All the jerks who I used to play live with who had serious superiority conflicts cause they used ‘real’ samplers hated this. Yea well guess what your ‘noise jams’ weren’t even that noisy and they were more like suck-fests…at least I could tell that they had no grasp over the equipment and were just making that crap to get a cool pass. Here comes my 15 year old ass like ‘hey guys check out this house track i made’ and all i get is ‘house!?! what a loser’. Small town life, what can you say?
Still a favorite. Forget the haters.
Download: Noggin – 10 Au Cafe (Vers1-early Experiment) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

96 Nog Jams collaborations

Karl Blau – 96 (Nog Jam)

Part 1

Title: 96 (Nog Jam)
Artist: Karl Blau
Album: 96 Nog Jams
Date: 2010

The above is one of these kickstarter fundraising webpages for my good friend Karl. I’d like to point out that, by pledging to support the project, you’re not just giving money away. Quite the opposite, you’re investing in the most unique and delicately-crafted, totally 100% hand made in America projects that exists right now. Karl has a subscription service called ‘Klaps’ (Kelp Lunacy Advanced Plagiarism Society), wherein he records the music, does the artwork, hand-sews a lot of the packaging, and then sends it out to those who have paid the dues. I’m not joking around here, folks…it’s not only some of the most creative and honest music you’ve ever heard, it’s an entirely personal experience from the artist to the fan. Not to mention, it’s almost made from totally recycled materials – and I don’t mean recycled like, thrown in the trash bin, picked out, sent to a plant, and turned into an egg carton – I mean that the packaging for the 96 album is made from a trash-bound record sleeve, reformed and screen printed into a cd case.
Here is a remix I did of the title track off Karl’s ’96’ record. He lent me his original 4 track and I just went to town throwing bits an pieces into the sampler.
Download: Karl Blau – 01 – 96 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

collaborations Dirty Tape demos

RedHouseGreenHouse – Untitled 8

Part 1

Title: Untitled 8
Artist: RedHouseGreenHouse
Album: Dirty Tape demos
Date: 2010

Alright let’s do this.
Wrapping up the RedHouseGreenHouse collaborations with an illbient-reggaecide-tone-swathing. Same as before, EPS + nylong guitar, and that’s it. The sequencer in the EPS is pretty fun to use, and really gets 80s on ya once you quantise.
Work with what ya got.
Blog about it.
<3. Download: Noggin Etc – 08 – Track08 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown From Inside The Furnace

Noggin – A Hole in the floor

Part 1

Title: A Hole In The Floor
Artist: Noggin
Album: From Inside the Furnace
Date: 2011

A 13-bit Ensoniq EPS sampler and a Jobim record make up the bulk of this ambient tune. Drums sampled from an R&B remix 12, whose artist I will not mention for fear of blind RIAA lawsuits trying to make a point about sampling.
This one comes to show yall a bit of a recent glimpse into my musical life. I recently was asked to participate in the Friendship Trail…a walk around Anacortes early in the morning during the Saturday of the final What The Heck Fest / Shipwreck day. For this piece, I had 4 copies of the tracks, left track, right track, both tracks, and a hard-limited mixed track, all playing at slightly varying times on 4 portable recorders taped to an acoustic guitar (thanks Rocky). Starting the recorders at different times kind of allowed the sound to move around the body of the guitar, and really started to sound wicked once the drums kicked in. Coupled with some awesome hardware switches for timestretch ranging from -60% to -75%, I was really able to adapt this song to a live environment….the snares sounded especially glitchtastic with that gnarly timestretch kicking.
Karl had me set up to play under a small ivy-covered archway off of 4th street. I misinterpreted the location, and arrived at what I thought was the location about an hour and a half early, to try and affix these things to the guitar (in the rain), and also record some vocal harmony to sing with on another track. Well, Karl shows up shortly thereafter and starts to do some prep of his own. Slowly but surely, the entire crowd starts showing up. What I had failed to realise was, I was NOT at the archway where I was to play. I got messed up because, the trail was supposed to start at the W.T. Preston, a museum of a paddle boat, but the night before, I had come across a smaller, steel-frame model of the same boat, with the nameplate “W.T. Preston” on it, and I incorrectly figured THAT was the starting point.
Blau eventually set me straight, and after the crowd walked on to the next performance, I stayed behind, under the bow of the boat, and finished my vocal harmonies. Eventually, I was able to find my archway and prepare.
This is the piece I had playing as the crowd arrived. Timing worked out great, because I was able to shave this 6+ minutes song into more like 2 by starting it later and starting it earlier than the crowd got there. When the drums hit, I knew things were ok.
Thanks to Rocky for the guitar, thanks to Karl for the invitation, and thanks to all those at Heck fest who got up at 9 in the morning to walk around in the rain and listen to some music in strange, new places.
Download: noggin-holeinthefloor (right click and choose ‘save as’)

96 Nog Jams collaborations remixes remixes and covers

Noggin + Blau – Baby Alone

Part 1

Title: Baby Alone (Nog Jam)
Artist: Noggin + Karl Blau
Album: 96 Nog Jams
Date: 2010

Believe it or not, this is the version of “Baby Alone” I played with Karl. He wanted a more dance / upbeat vibe to his shows so this seemed to fit that bill / rhythm very nicely. This one doesn’t actually contain any source material from the 96 tapes, while the others are built on sampled hits and phrases pretty heavily. This one was basically a Noggin track that got commissioned for duty with Karl.
Download: Karl Blau – 02 – Baby Alone (nog jam) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Every Early Experiment

Noggin – Havana (version 2)

Part 1

Title: Havana (version 2)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Every Early Experiment
Date: 1997

Trippier, more sunday vibe remix of this track.
This is all s20 again, with samples made in TS-404 and also I believe that acid line is just ripped straight out of some mod I used to jam. All live. Yes that’s a nin reference at the beginning.
Download: Noggin-05-Havana2-Early-Experiment.mp3 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown collaborations

Jon + Noggin – Demanding

Part 1

Title: Demanding
Artist: Jon + Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2011

One night Jon came over and we had a hell of a recording session, just hitting the reels real freeform style, just putting hot pokers to the tape heads. Then we realised we has only hit ‘play’ and not record. First time I tried out the demagnetiser to really see how it cleaned up tapes, so the tape that was playing was blank, and we never noticed.
Luckily, we just sat down and got to work and hammered out a bunch of the tracks right away.
This is a pretty collaborative drum n bass effort here coming straight off Jon’s mpc.
Download: demanding20110605 (right click and choose ‘save as’)