Tag Archives: tape

collaborations Sober October Demos

Noggin – Reel to Roll [Paulbur edit]

Part 1

Title: Reel to Roll [Paulbur Edit]
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October
Date: 2011

The saintly son of Sunnybrook comes back again in record time with this an ‘edit’ of probably the most divergent track from the release. Lovin the vocals and just the whole idea of hearing something I have spent so much time with take on a life of it’s own outside of my habitat.
Muchas gracias!
Full album available at http://soundcloud.com/djnoggin/sets/sober-october
Download: Reel to Roll [paulbur edit] (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Sober October

Noggin – Reel to Roll

Part 1

Title: Reel to Roll
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October
Date: 2011

Great! My plan worked perfectly according to …. plan(?).
Here we are on a Thursday (collab days) and the track we come to is pretty heavily collaborated on. I posted this track earlier this year, so yes, get ready for a bonus track today to quell any chances of haterism from the naysayers out there.
Jon played some guitar and I played some ER1 and we turned the gain to the tape reels up really high. Then I got crazy with the scissors tool and the spectral plugins in Logic.
This is the weirdest one.
MPC straight to 1/4″ reels via Mackie mixer and LXP-1 on send.
Chuck originally called this one “Untitled”.
Full album available at http://soundcloud.com/djnoggin/sets/sober-october
Download: Noggin – 08 – Reel To Roll (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Sober October

Noggin – Do You?

Part 1

Title: Do You?
Artist: Noggin
Album: Sober October
Date: 2011

This track was, for the most part, created in a very short time frame art project / experiment / live experience / promotion done at The Business in Anacortes.
For this project, I came into The Business (a record store) early in the afternoon armed with nothing but a turntable and an empty sampler. The idea was to create an entire set of songs from nothing but the vinyl available in the record store, on the same day as the show (thanks Nick for helping me live out a dream). I grabbed anything that looked interesting … some BTO, some aerobics training, some Burl Ives (a necessary Anacortes original), some proto-industrial, and most notably for this composition, some Olivia Newton-John.
The first couple hours were spent sampling and chopping, with a couple hiccups due to poorly planned memory usage – resampling in an mPC2kxl takes an excruciatingly long time…I’m talking 20 minutes to resample a 30 second sample. I learned this the hard way on this day when I had nothing but short time to work with.
This piece definitely came together the easiest, and continued to be refined throughout the next few months, culminating in a couple recording sessions in the garage to tape (see Reverb City). I’ve chosen this markedly dissimilar track to close the album out on a high note.
I will continue to post the album in reverse order.
Thank you.
MPC straight to 1/4″ reels via Mackie mixer and LXP-1 on send.
Chuck originally called this one “Love is the opening door”.
Full album available at http://soundcloud.com/djnoggin/sets/sober-october
Download: Noggin – 10 – Do You (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Reverb City

Noggin – Statues


Title: Statues
Artist: Noggin
Album: Reverb City
Date: 2010

My favorite track from these sessions, and pretty much the reason why I decided to keep these reverb tracks that I unintentionally recorded.
Download: Noggin – Statues (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Reverb City

Noggin – Walk Around (reverb track)

Part 1

Title: Walk Around (reverb track)
Artist: Noggin
Album: Reverb City
Date: 2010

This one grew out of a desire to roll tape, roll out reverb, and roll up… Kind of came out of nowhere, originally a beat I was working on for Karl, I believe, which likely might have been a beat I was originally working on in Oklahoma with Smile T. These things get mixed around sometimes in the heat of it all. If you don’t know the story by now, I recorded 4 tracks…two dry aux tracks and two reverb returns (stereo), only to find out that I didn’t really know how to use this new tape machine, and so only the reverb tracks got recorded. Still makes for some interesting listening.
Mpc + lxp1 -> tape.
Download: walkaround-reverb (right click and choose ‘save as’)

collaborations Dirty Tape demos

RedHouseGreenHouse – Untitled 8

Part 1

Title: Untitled 8
Artist: RedHouseGreenHouse
Album: Dirty Tape demos
Date: 2010

Alright let’s do this.
Wrapping up the RedHouseGreenHouse collaborations with an illbient-reggaecide-tone-swathing. Same as before, EPS + nylong guitar, and that’s it. The sequencer in the EPS is pretty fun to use, and really gets 80s on ya once you quantise.
Work with what ya got.
Blog about it.
<3. Download: Noggin Etc – 08 – Track08 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

Pictures of Clouds Side B

Pictures of Clouds – Untitled b13

Part 1

Title: Untitled b13
Artist: Pictures of Clouds
Album: side B
Date: 2010

Unofficial Pictures of Clouds release…recorded to cassette one morning in the RedHouse studio in Anacortes with only half the band (that’d be me). I do believe it’s pretty much straight off the MS2000. I love the boing effect of the notes gliding from hi to low. I’m back in Anacortes for a couple of days so loading yall up with the Anacortes sessions seems appropriate.
This one is dedicated to those who departed in 2010.
Download: Pictures Of Clouds – 13 – B13 (right click and choose ‘save as’)

And the Bass Kicks the Remix collaborations remixes remixes and covers

And The Bass Kicks The Drum – Forget All The Memories (Immersion mix)

Part 1

Title: Forget All The Memories (Immersion mix)
Artist: And the Bass Kicks the Drum
Album: And the Bass Kicks the Remix
Date: 2011

It’s messed up, cause as much as I want this ‘category’ page to turn out like an album page, that would mean I would have to post the tracks in reverse order…since it sorts everything by date, newest first. Well I screwed that up with the first post for this EP by posting track 3 first.
Who cares though, here’s the fifth and final ATBKTD ‘remix’…which is really just a super-screwed version of another remix. It’s a nice chance to peak into harmonics that you might not have known were there, as they are suddenly brought down into the audible spectrum.
This one’s got em. In droves.
Download: atbktd-remix5(immersion) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

And the Bass Kicks the Remix collaborations remixes remixes and covers

And The Bass Kicks The Drum – Forget All The Memories (Compulsion mix)

Part 1

Title: Forget All The Memories (Compulsion mix)
Artist: And the Bass Kicks the Drum
Album: And the Bass Kicks the Remix
Date: 2011

Finally, the heart of where all this madness stemmed from*. This is the first remix we decided to do to tape, which is basically me blindly flying through Jon’s live set up of ATBKTD. Jammed it out while recording, loved it, then found out we weren’t recording…we never engaged the knob to ‘record’…we only made it halfway to ‘play’. And since I had just magnetically erased the tracks (gnarly!), we didn’t hear anything (I guess we weren’t monitoring the tape either).
So yada yada you’ve already heard all this, we just quickly rewound the tape and went straight back to work.
Thanks again to my ATBKTD cats.
Download: atbktd-remix1(compulsion) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

And the Bass Kicks the Remix collaborations remixes remixes and covers

And The Bass Kicks The Drum – Forget All The Memories (Extrapolation mix)

Part 1

Title: Forget All The Memories (Extrapolation mix)
Artist: And the Bass Kicks the Drum
Album: And the Bass Kicks the Remix
Date: 2011

This is the most jammy remix of the bunch. Stays pretty true to the original, barring some manual tape speed changes. This one sees the drums kicking back on the bass.
Once again, recorded to 1/4″ tape from MPC1k through an LXP-1 reverb.
Download: atbktd-remix2(extrapolation (right click and choose ‘save as’)