Category Archives: As Yet Unknown

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – Where did all my days go?

Part 1

Title: Where did all my days go?
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2003

And wrapping an anniversary week up with a meditation. This is all Buzz, with that spectral Drink carrying a lot of the tune.
Download: Where did all my days go_-demo (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – Vantonder

Part 1

Title: Vantonder
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2009

Yea that’s an ESQ-1 tone. Not really effected either, minus of course the insanely compressed reverb.
Originally did this to give to a friend, who never did it anything with it, so it gets named after her. ;] One of my favorites.
Download: Vantonder (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – Grglbst

Part 1

Title: Grglbst
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2004

Aaaah, a true Noggin gem of a classic right here.
Urban legend says that this works great on an music-device on shuffle, as the mix might be fortunate enough to get these ~14 seconds of speaker-terror in the midst of oh say a soothing new age indie set. In the words of my good friend Freddy, “Just wait….it’ll be over soon”.
This was created by running effects in Cool Edit with ungodly values in the parameters…if the chorus lets you type in 120000000000000 voices, just do it. If you can catch the output and record it before your computer totally crashes to its knees, you’ll have a nice little nugget of glitchdom to feed yer hungry little samplers with.
It’s my birthday homeys so I’m gonna take this moment to point out a couple of my personal favorites from the archives…
Noggin – Emergence
Noggin – Disassembly
Noggin – Cup Feet / Chamber
CNCTR – Corrosion
Noggin – I Swear To You My Friend It Will Be Alright
Noggin – KEOS 29 July 2011
Noggin – Flotation Device (full mix)
Noggin – Island Love (demo)
Noggin + Spratt – Trampled
Avec Mere – New York
Download: Grglbst (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – One Friend To Another

Part 1

Title: One Friend To Another
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2002

My hope is that you put this on a cd somewhere in the middle where you’ve got about a minute and a half to fill. With the stars aligned, and yer mind correct, it should sound as if these Bulgarian choirs sing a solemn song solely for you.
This one seems appropriate today.
Download: Noggin – One Friend to Another (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown singles

Noggin – filmick

Part 1

Title: Filmick
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2004

Created for a project I had in video production class. The track began to materialise as Tom and I were synthesizing bass drops to test his car sound system with, and I worked one into a remix I did of a track I had previously done for film class. It ended up being an exercise in taking it one-step further…pretty nuts amen breaks, real glitch samples, insane chirps, I just wanted to suck up and repurpose cliches into something a bit harsh.
it’s all buzz.
Download: 05 filmick (master) (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown singles

Noggin – The 909 is a Friend of Mine

Part 1

Title: The 909 is a Friend of Mine
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2001

One of my most beloved creations…a true love song to the most badass, speaker destroying, analog/digital hybrid 1980s drum machine house master in your face (did I say drum machine) that has ever existed…the Roland TR-909.
Sure the 808 is trendy as all hell right now (your welcome America, the Dirty Third had plenty of those samples to go around), the 909 is the cream of crop, to me.
While the 808 is purely analog, kind of spaceship sounding, the 909 refined this sound, turned it up, compressed it, kept it analog, and brought in some digital crispness to just completely rip through a mix and/or your mids.
Seriously, my DJ mentor Edgar, in telling a tidbit from his incredible dj-lore, once explained to me that Carl Cox brought a 909 with him to a gig they threw, and literally, blew out all the mid range speakers in the venue.
Now, I’ve heard of subs blowing (I’ve blown my own), I never would have believed it (til I did it), but I’ve seen tweeters blown, but to blow the MIDS?! The snare drum on this piece is a straight killer.
Anyway, early on in my love affair with this device, I got hold of a vocoder plugin for Buzz, and just put down to bits what I was feeling inside.
The sounds this box makes never cease to floor me.

PS. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A REAL LIVE 909. If you would like to send a TR-909 to me, hit that contact button up above and you will have made a lifelong friend – I’ll even take you out for beer to make it a little more awesome.

pps. YES I did my radio show today, but I can’t let 909 pass unacknowledged, so I will upload the radio show, as usual, only tomorrow, instead of today.

Happy 09/09.
Download: The 909 is a Friend of Mine (right click and choose ‘save as’)tr-909 image

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – Picky


Title: Picky
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2001

Guitar based lo-fi trip hop here recorded in my room in Bryan, while home from the first year of school at SWT. I really wanted to try to integrate the guitar in a way that went beyond short loops or just wailing over some pre-recorded tracks. I also wanted to keep it simple, and dirty.
Mission accomplished?
Recorded into Nuendo and all looped up there, which is 100% unlike anything in Buzz.
Download: picky (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – Surpressed


Title: Surpressed
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2002

Comes from the honeymoon right when I got Reason for the first time and had an actual, classic synthesizer to work with. However, that honeymoon didn’t last…sure the hardware emulation was novel for a while, but the clunkiness of the patching vs how easy it was to go totally crazy with Buzz, it didn’t take too long for me to get completely over reason. Great software, just not for me.
This was also when Rik had started getting me interested in psy-trance, and I really started to love the hyper-electronic cutting sounds prevalent in the genre.
Out comes this little gem of some sample-and-hold synth filter tweakage.
Download: surpressed (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown collaborations

Noggin + Gobi – El Paso


Title: El Paso
Artist: Noggin + Gobi
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2004

Thursdays are now collaboration Thursdays.
This comes from a session with my friends in an early incarnation of the band Gobi. Major props to Phil and Dillon…they really put on a show like no other. My most recent Gobification involved a great show, and then hearing said show ringing off of all the buildings downtown as I biked home to get like 2 hours sleep before my radio show. They also apparently had the cops called, which is actually a rarity at Revs, so PROPS GUYS! Serious jamming that evening.
I made this beat with my laptop sitting on a dresser in a 99% empty apartment. I’ve never seen so many egg crates + mattresses in a bathtub. They had that bathroom converted to one of the deadest vocal booths I’ve ever heard…again props. Phil spit some improv lyrics over this beat, but the vox + beat never really got mixed together. It was all pretty live anyway, so count it towards a bad ass good time instead of a shiny document of said good time. This beat was produced by Noggin for (early) Gobi.
Also, it should be noted that this track didn’t actually have a name (‘philbur’ in the file, i believe), but I definitely remember Phil saying El Paso in the spits.
Download: laurie (right click and choose ‘save as’)

As Yet Unknown

Noggin – Cup Feet / Chamber


Title: Cup Feet / Chamber
Artist: Noggin
Album: As Yet Unknown
Date: 2001

This has got to be one of my favorite pieces to have ever produced.
It’s all based around a sample from a Bulgarian choir, + other samples pulled from various sources of music. I really had to step out of my comfort zone to make the drums this punchy…I was more chasing this smeared drum sound back then.
This is once again all buzz.
Download: Cup Feet / Chamber (right click and choose ‘save as’)